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First Move 2023.
Day Five.
Diligence: steady, earnest, and energetic effort.

Proverb 22:29
Do you see a man who excels in his work?
He will stand before kings;
He will not stand before unknown men.

Diligence in my words is a person who will never give up. A person who is relentless at achieving what God has placed on the inside of them. One who is not afraid of the challenges, ridicules from their enemies and adverse conditions. 
Remember Nehemiah who set out to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. It was a great plan and much needed for the safety and security of the people living in Jerusalem. But when he arrived with the plan in hand and all materials necessary to rebuild the wall he was met with opposition. Considering the supernatural favor he received from the king he was serving one would think that his process would be smooth and quick. It could not be Further from the truth. He was opposed, ridiculed, hated, threatened and falsely accused of wanting to be the king of Jerusalem. (Neh 6)
But prior to the rebuilding and favor given by the king Nehemiah he was fasting and praying to the Lord. ( Neh 1:4) His desires did not distract him from the source of his joy, strength and power to accomplish the vision. When we fast and pray we are strengthened for the task ahead. Prayer  and fasting opens our spirits to receive joy, peace, faith and authority to overcome the adverse circumstances that will appear on the journeys of achieving our goals.
To excel at the mission ahead of us we must first seek the Lord to obtain a spirit of diligence to persevere through trials and oppositions. Greatness is never easy unlike mediocrity which is coupled with the applause of the simple.
    I pray that you will be empowered by the Holy Spirit as you fast and pray in these twenty one days to be diligent in all areas such as your relationships, business, career and studies.  Then you will experience elevation, prominence and success in what you have set out to accomplish. 

Rom 12:11
not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;

Be Diligent it is not optional

Pastor Sam.